Through an intensive research and development process Sunny Glow Montessori Play School has developed a unique proprietary curriculum. Sunny Glow Montessori Play School combines the Montessori Education with an Pre-Stater Cambridge English framework (English and Bilingual Class) resulting
in an evidence based curriculum, specifically designed for young learners.
Our core curricutum consists of the five Montessori learning areas: Practical
Life, Sensorial, Language, Mathetnetics, and Cultural (History, Geography,
Science & Arts) Studies.
Our Proprietary Montessori Links curriculum differentiates us from ot her
Montessori Schools by integrating these five core Montessori learning areas with an interdisciplinary learning experience in Character Development, Computer, and Author Study. Going beyond content knowledge, our curriculum emphasizes higher order thinking, problem solving and association between different area of study.
Practical life includes life skills to help develop independence, coordination, concentration, self-control, self- wareness, confidence
and include:
1.Care of Self (food preparation, dressing, washing),
2.Care of Environment (cleaning, gardening, care of pets, environmentalism),
3.Social Grace and Courtesy (greetings, manners, social interactions),
4.Control of Movement (refining movements, walk in the line, moving quietly)
Cultural Studies allows the child to explore the natural world around them and includes studying Geography (continents, landforms, earth layers, solar system), Zoology (classification, physiology of animals), Bot any (ecology, classification, physiology of plants), History ( time lines, using a calendar) and Science.
Language is based on phonetic awareness. Children work through specific hands-on and tactile language materials such as the sand-paper letters to the moveable alphabet. Language is not an isolated topic but runs through the curriculum. The spoken language is the foundation for writing and then reading
Sensorial activities allows the child to refine each of their senses: Sight, Touch, Smell, Taste, Sound and kinestistic (physical). Includes the manipulation of specifically designed materials that isolate qualities. Refines fine motor skills, visual and auditory senses and develops coordination and the ability to order and classify.
Mathematics is developed with the use of concrete learning materials. The sensorial area is the preparation for mathematics.
Hands- on materials are used such as number rods, sandpaper numbers, number boards, spindle box, number tiles, beads, and games. Each exercise builds upon another and the child gradually moves to from concrete to abstract areas such as place value, addition, subtraction, multiplication and fractions.
has embedded the education of twelve 21st Century skills throughout the ecosystem supporting teachers and parents to help develop these critical skills in each child, so they can flourish and thrive in a highly competitive world. Twelve essential 21st Century skills have been proven by leading scientists and researchers around the world to be critical for children’ s success in school and in life.
Grade | Preschool & Kindergarden age |
schedule | duration
Infant Class | 6-12 Months | 2-5 Times a Week | 1 Hours/Session | With Caregiver in infant & Sunny Class |
Sunny Class | 1-3 Years Old | 2-5 Times a Week | 1.5 Hours/Session | Certificate will be given for minimun stay of 1 year outdoor activity is once a week for sunny & glow class |
Glow Class | 3-7 Years Old | 2-5 Times a Week | 2 Hours/Session | Certificate will be given for minimun stay of 1 year outdoor activity is once a week for sunny & glow class |
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